Grammar: Students will learn and practice the passive voice and reporting verbs. They will learn to transform active sentences into passive ones and use reporting structures to discuss common myths and scientific statements about sleep.
Listening: Students will improve their listening skills by engaging with a video featuring experts debunking common sleep myths. They will listen for specific examples of passive voice and reporting verbs used to convey scientific findings and expert opinions.
Speaking: Students will participate in discussions and debates about sleep myths versus facts. They will use passive voice and reporting verbs to express their views on the impact of certain activities on sleep quality and to report information heard or read in studies.
Vocabulary: Vocabulary development will focus on terms related to sleep such as "circadian rhythm," "insomnia," "REM sleep," and "zeitgeber." These terms will be used in context to help students articulate their thoughts on how various factors affect sleep.
Homework: For homework, students will complete exercises that involve converting sentences from active to passive voice and using reporting verbs to discuss new information about sleep. They will also write responses to common statements about sleep using newly learned grammatical structures.