Interesting Psychological Facts

Theresa Dash - author of the lesson   Theresa I December 18, 2021
General English, Speaking Lessons
B2 Upper-Intermediate
Future Forms
Grammar, Speaking, Vocabulary, Listening
Lesson ID
Lesson Time
45 minutes
ESL Lesson Plan

Lesson Overview

Don’t psych yourself out! In this lesson, students will explore interesting psychological facts. The lesson features a video discussing the different ways people act and respond in various situations. Students will learn and practice future verb tenses and expand their vocabulary related to this topic. The lesson includes plenty of engaging discussion activities and worksheets developed for both adults and teenagers, ensuring a thought-provoking and interactive learning experience.

Lesson Objectives

  • Grammar: Students will understand and practice using future verb tenses to discuss probabilities and certainties. They will focus on structures like "will," "is going to," and other phrases that express future likelihood, such as "is about to" and "is likely to."

  • Listening: Students will improve their listening skills by engaging with a video that presents various psychological facts. They will focus on identifying future tense constructions and understanding how they are used to discuss expected behaviors and reactions.

  • Speaking: Students will participate in discussions about psychological facts and personal experiences related to the topic. They will use future tenses to make predictions and express expectations about personal and societal behaviors.

  • Vocabulary: Vocabulary development will focus on terms and phrases relevant to psychology, such as "bias," "resistant," "manipulation," and "implicit bias." Students will learn these terms in context and apply them in discussions to enhance their ability to articulate psychological concepts.

  • Homework: For homework, students will complete exercises that involve constructing sentences with future tenses to discuss likelihood and certainty. They will also match sentences with phrases indicating future probability and create their own examples to reflect personal or observed psychological phenomena.


Does your personality change when you speak another language? Did you know someone may become more agreeable when speaking German? Watch this video to learn about the different ways we act and respond in various situations.

Video Transcript

Vocabulary and Pronunciation

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