The Challenges of Owning a Business

Reviewer of the Lesson   Rob | February 25, 2024
Business English, Speaking Lessons
Work, Entrepreneurship
B2 Upper-Intermediate, C1 Advanced
Mixed Grammar
Speaking, Vocabulary, Listening
Lesson ID
Lesson Time
30 minutes
Part of a lesson plan for an English class on the challenges of running your own business.

Lesson Overview

Don’t bite off more than you can chew! In this lesson, learners will explore the challenges of starting and owning a business. The lesson features a video discussing the reasons why young people are increasingly choosing not to start their own businesses. Students will learn and practice relevant vocabulary and idioms related to the topic. The lesson includes plenty of lively speaking activities and practical worksheets that are suitable for both adults and teens, ensuring an engaging and informative learning experience.

Lesson Objectives

  • Listening: Students will listen to an explanation of a survey about young people's attitudes towards starting a business. The speaker discusses the reasons behind the declining interest in entrepreneurship among youth, highlighting challenges such as social anxiety, fear of failure, and the reality of business ownership. This listening activity will enhance students' ability to comprehend detailed explanations and discussions in English, focusing on vocabulary and concepts related to entrepreneurship and business challenges.

  • Speaking: The conversation activities will encourage students to express their views on the challenges and rewards of starting and owning a business, using newly learned vocabulary and idioms.

  • Vocabulary: Key terms and idioms related to business startups, such as "wantrepreneur," "fledgling business," and "overnight success," will be introduced and practiced.

  • Homework: The tasks include answering true or false questions related to business concepts, filling in blanks with correct prepositions in business-related sentences, and using specific words to complete sentences that discuss business dynamics. These exercises aim to reinforce the lesson's vocabulary and concepts, helping students better understand the intricacies of starting and running a business.

Video Transcript

Vocabulary and Pronunciation

bite off more than one can chew [idiom]: take on a task or responsibility that is too challenging or overwhelming
entrepreneur [noun]: a person who starts and runs a business, taking on financial risks in the pursuit of profit
back to the drawing board [idiom]: starting over or changing plans due to unexpected problems
entrepreneurial attitude [noun phrase]: a way of behaving and thinking that is focused on creating or running a business
fledgling [noun]: a new company with little experience
trait [noun]: characteristic or quality that distinguishes an individual, feature, or attribute
wantrepreneur [noun]: a person who aspires to set up a business but never gets started
inner strength [noun phrase]: the mental, emotional, and resilient qualities that enable an individual to face challenges and adversity with confidence and determination
lose sight of something [phrasal verb]: no longer see or understand a goal, purpose, or perspective, often due to distractions or loss of focus
pull oneself together [idiom]: regain control of one’s emotions or composure, often in the face of difficulty or stress
eye-opening [adjective]: surprising, enlightening, or revealing; providing a new perspective or understanding
not for the faint of heart [idiom]: indicates that something is intense, challenging, or requires courage and resilience to endure or experience
on call [adjective]: being available for work or assistance, especially outside regular hours
behind-the-scenes [adjective]: used to describe activities or processes that happen out of the public eye, typically in the production or organization of an event, performance, or project
get out of hand [idiom]: a situation or behavior is no longer under control and is becoming disorderly or chaotic
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