Be Creative!

Stefanie Simmons - reviewer of the lesson   Stefanie | January 03, 2023
Business English, Speaking Lessons
Work, Creativity
B2 Upper-Intermediate, C1 Advanced
Mixed Grammar
Speaking, Vocabulary, Listening
Lesson ID
Lesson Time
30 minutes
Illustration depicting students discussing creativity at work and ways to boost it while practicing vocabulary and idioms related to the topic in an ESL lesson.

Lesson Overview

How do you get your creative juices flowing at work? In this lesson, students will explore creativity at work and discuss ways to boost it. The lesson features a video about fostering creativity in the workplace. Students will learn and practice vocabulary and idioms related to the mind. The lesson includes plenty of engaging discussion activities and worksheets developed for both adult and teenage learners, ensuring a stimulating and interactive learning experience.

Lesson Objectives

  • Listening: Students will develop their listening skills by engaging with a video that discusses creativity in different workplace environments. They will complete listening comprehension exercises that focus on understanding detailed content about workplace creativity and how it can be enhanced or hindered by various factors.

  • Speaking: Students will participate in discussion activities and role-plays that simulate workplace scenarios where creativity is needed. They will use the lesson's vocabulary and idiomatic expressions to express their thoughts on creativity and share personal experiences related to creative processes at work.

  • Vocabulary: Key vocabulary terms such as "breakthrough", "stifles", "enhance", and idioms like "hit on an idea" will be introduced. These terms are relevant to the discussion of workplace creativity and will be practiced through fill-in-the-blank exercises, matching activities, and contextual usage in speaking tasks.

  • Cultural Awareness: Through the video and subsequent discussions, students will explore how different workplace cultures around the world encourage or discourage creativity.

  • Homework: Learners will complete exercises to reinforce vocabulary and concepts learned in class. They will choose correct alternatives for bolded phrases, fill in blanks with correct words related to creativity, and correct mistakes in sentences that relate to creativity at work. These tasks will ensure reinforcement and application of the lesson's key concepts outside the classroom.


How do some companies try to get employees more creative? Some managers try to encourage exercising, talking to friends, listening to music, or even working in a garage. Watch this video to learn how a company can improve creativity in the workplace.

Video Transcript

Vocabulary and Pronunciation

get one’s creative juices flowing [idiom]: to inspire creativity and thought
creativity [noun]: the use of the imagination or original ideas, especially in the production of an artistic work
DIY [noun]: do it yourself; the activity of doing art or decorating, building, and making repairs at home by oneself rather than employing a professional
micromanage [verb]: to control every part of an activity or company
feng shui [noun]: the Chinese art of designing a room, building, etc., in order to maximize the harmony and flow of chi of the environment, which is believed to bring good fortune
genius [noun]: someone or something that is especially intelligent or clever; a mastermind
scope [noun]: the extent of the area or subject matter that something deals with or to which it is relevant
stifling [adjective]: making one feel constrained or restricted
think outside the box [idiom]: to explore ideas that are creative and unusual and are not controlled by rules or tradition
disruptive [adjective]: unruly or disorderly
breakthrough [noun]: a sudden dramatic and important discovery or development
brainstorm [verb]: to produce an idea or way of solving a problem by holding a spontaneous group discussion
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