Coping with Stress

Rob - author of the lesson plan   Rob I November 09, 2021
General English, Speaking Lessons
Stress, Health
C1 Advanced
Mixed Grammar
Speaking, Vocabulary, Listening
Lesson ID
Lesson Time
45 minutes
ESL lesson plan for an online class titled “Coping with Stress”

Lesson Overview

What do you do when you are at your wit’s end? In this lesson, students will explore ways to cope with stress. The lesson features a video that offers seven tips for reducing stress and introducing more Zen into your life. Students will learn and practice idioms and vocabulary related to this topic. The lesson includes plenty of engaging discussion activities and worksheets designed for both adult and teenage learners, ensuring a calming and interactive learning experience.

Lesson Objectives

  • Grammar: Students will practice forming sentences that suggest ways to manage stress, using straightforward verbs. The emphasis will be on constructing clear, direct statements that communicate suggestions for stress reduction effectively.

  • Listening: They will listen carefully to various strategies and steps aimed at helping individuals find relief from stress. This part of the lesson is designed to improve students' ability to understand spoken English, especially when it comes to learning about practical advice for emotional well-being.

  • Speaking: For the speaking part of the lesson, students will engage in interactive discussions where they will share personal strategies for managing stress and listen to the strategies of others. This exercise is designed to encourage the use of the lesson's idiomatic expressions and vocabulary in a conversational context.

  • Vocabulary: This lesson will introduce students to common idioms and phrases associated with stress and relaxation, such as "blow off steam" and "catch some Z's." Students will explore the meanings of these expressions and practice using them in appropriate contexts, which will help expand their vocabulary related to emotions and well-being.

  • Homework: Homework assignments will reinforce the grammar and vocabulary covered in the lesson. Students will be asked to complete a variety of exercises, including answering true/false questions related to the stress-reduction strategies discussed, filling in blanks with the correct vocabulary words, and creating new sentences using stress-related idioms. These tasks are designed to consolidate their learning and ensure they can apply the language points in real-life situations.


Are you constantly feeling tired and overwhelmed? Stress can negatively affect the health of both our minds and bodies. In this video, you will learn about seven tips for reducing stress. Find out about simple and easy ways to zap the stress and introduce more Zen into your life.

Video Transcript

Vocabulary and Pronunciation

zap [verb]: to attack, kill or destroy something in a quick and powerful way
binge [noun]: an occasion when you eat or drink too much
load up on something [phrasal verb]: to buy or collect a large amount of something
lean [adjective]: containing no or little fat; thin and healthy
catch some z’s [idiom]: to take a nap or sleep
boost [noun]: an increase or improvement, or an action causing this
blow off steam [idiom]: get rid of negative energy, anger, or strong emotions by doing a physical activity
curl up [phrasal verb]: to lie in a comfortable curved position
unwind [verb]: to relax your body or mind after a period of work or a time when you are stressed
chill out [phrasal verb]: to relax completely and not worry or feel stressed
lift somebody’s spirits [idiom]: to make someone happier
brighten somebody’s day [idiom]: to make a situation more pleasant
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