Growing Up

Rob - author of the lesson plan   Rob I August 30, 2020
General English, Speaking Lessons
Life Stages
C1 Advanced
Gerunds, Infinitives
Grammar, Speaking, Vocabulary
Lesson ID
Lesson Time
45 minutes
Growing Up | ESL Lesson Plan for Advanced Learners

Lesson Overview

It’s time to start a new chapter! In this lesson, students will explore the challenges associated with the transition from college to full-time work. The lesson features a story that discusses the various lessons and responsibilities that come with adulthood. Students will learn and practice gerunds, infinitives, and related vocabulary. The lesson includes plenty of engaging discussion activities and worksheets developed for both adult and teenage learners, ensuring a practical and interactive learning experience.


Lesson Objectives

  • Grammar: Students will learn and practice using gerunds and infinitives, focusing on forming sentences that express intentions, habits, and preferences. Examples include "I enjoy going to the gym," and "I plan to study more about this topic."

  • Listening: Students will listen to a story about transitioning from college to working life, enhancing their comprehension skills by identifying key details and the use of gerunds and infinitives within the context.

  • Speaking: Through discussion activities, students will share their personal experiences and opinions on transitioning from college to full-time work, utilizing the vocabulary and grammar structures introduced in the lesson.

  • Vocabulary: Key terms such as "gainfully employed," "self-reliant," "work-life balance," "pursue interests," and "enter the workforce" will be introduced. These terms are crucial for discussing adult responsibilities and work culture.

  • Cultural Awareness: Students will explore different cultural perspectives on adulthood, work-life balance, and the societal expectations placed on young adults entering the workforce.

  • Homework: Assignments will include filling in the blanks with the correct form of gerunds or infinitives, matching phrases to their meanings, and writing short paragraphs about personal goals and the challenges of adult life. These tasks aim to reinforce the grammatical structures and vocabulary learned, while also providing personal reflection on the topics discussed.

Growing Up

Vocabulary and Pronunciation

get into a rut [idiom]: to be in a mundane routine with little change
pursue [verb]: to follow or chase someone or something
workforce [noun]: the total number of people who are available for work
take up [phrasal verb]: to start doing a new hobby or to pursue a new interest
self-reliant [adjective]: not needing help from other people
gainfully [adverb]: in a way that earns money for the useful work that you do
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