How to Build Self-Confidence

Theresa Dash - author of the lesson   Theresa I April 27, 2023
Business English, Speaking Lessons, English for HR
Emotions, Work, Human Resources
A2 Elementary, B1 Intermediate
Mixed Grammar
Speaking, Vocabulary, Listening
Lesson ID
Lesson Time
30 minutes
Illustration of an American English Lesson Plan: How to Build Self-Confidence.

Lesson Overview

Vote of confidence! In this lesson, students will discuss the topic of self-confidence in the workplace. This lesson features a video about advice on how to build and have confidence in yourself. Students will learn and practice vocabulary and idioms relating to the topic. The lesson includes plenty of engaging discussion activities and worksheets that have been developed for adult and teenage learners.

Lesson Objectives

  • Listening: Students will watch and listen to a video about building self-confidence, focusing on advice for nurturing self-belief and overcoming barriers like social anxiety and fear of failure. This will help improve their comprehension of spoken English related to self-confidence and entrepreneurship.

  • Speaking: The lesson encourages students to discuss their views on self-confidence in the workplace. They will participate in activities that allow them to express their thoughts about building and maintaining confidence, enhancing their ability to communicate effectively in English on this topic.

  • Vocabulary: Students will learn and practice idioms and phrases related to self-confidence and workplace dynamics. Examples of such vocabulary include phrases related to personal belief, overcoming challenges, and entrepreneurial attitudes, helping them to articulate these concepts more fluently in English.

  • Homework: The homework involves tasks like filling in blanks, identifying true or false statements, and completing sentences, all centered around the theme of self-confidence and workplace challenges. These activities aim to reinforce vocabulary and concepts learned in class, improving the students' understanding and usage of English in the context of self-confidence and business.


Do you have self-confidence? Or are you unsure of your skills, knowledge, and abilities? Watch this video to learn some advice on how to build confidence.

Video Transcript

Vocabulary and Pronunciation

self-confidence [noun]: an attitude about your skills and abilities
vote of confidence [idiom]: a statement or action that shows continuing support and approval for someone
assertive [adjective]: having or showing a confident and forceful personality
authentic [adjective]: not fake; genuine
flaw [noun]: a weakness or fault
build one’s confidence [idiom]: to increase one’s attitude gradually
capable [adjective]: having the ability, fitness, or quality necessary to do or achieve a specified thing
groom [verb]: prepare or train (someone) for a particular purpose or activity
show one’s value [idiom]: to show that you understand the importance of something/someone by not doing anything against it
hold one’s head up [idiom]: to be proud; to not feel ashamed
security blanket [noun]: something that provides someone with a feeling of safety and comfort when they are in a situation that worries them or makes them feel nervous
shot in the arm [idiom]: an encouraging thing; a boost
people pleaser [noun]: someone everyone considers helpful and kind
know one’s own mind [idiom]: to be sure of what one wants, likes, thinks, etc.
self-assured [adjective]: self-confident; sure of oneself
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