このレッスンでは, 生徒は求人の募集や仕事を見つけるための一風変わった方法について議論します。このレッスンには、LinkedInを使用して仕事を見つける方法に関するビデオが含まれています。生徒は、トピックに関連する語彙やイディオムを学び、実践します。レッスンには、大人とティーンエイジャーの学習者のために開発された、たくさんの魅力的なディスカッション活動とワークシートが含まれています。
So I'm logged into my completely anonymous account here, and I'm gonna show you the very first tip, which is, you shouldn't be just applying to a position, you should be actually reaching out to the recruiter. And I'm going to show you exactly how to do that. So the first thing that we have to do is actually find a job that you want to apply to. So let's go to the job section right over here. And let's search for data analyst. And let's do that in let's do Chicago, because why not? So it's going to search for data analyst positions in Chicago. We have one right here, let's see what it looks like. Because, you know, I don't want to apply to jobs that I'm not extremely qualified for. So this is a job that I want to apply for. And before I actually go and apply to the job, I want to see if I can reach out to a recruiter and talk to them beforehand. So let me show you how to do that. So what we're going to do is actually click on the company right here, and it's going to take us to basically their LinkedIn profile page for their entire company. And we're gonna scroll down, we're gonna go over to people. And then we're going to search for recruiter. So if we scroll down all the way to the bottom, we can see that there are recruiters that actually work in house for this company. And so now it'd be a time where I actually reach out to some of these recruiters and I say, Hey, I see a job that I really like, I think I'm really qualified for it. And I would love to talk more about it with you, you can ask them things about the job to make sure that is a good fit for you. And then I highly recommend you asking them what they think is the best way to apply for this job to make sure that your resume gets noticed and you get an interview. Since they are a recruiter who works at this company, they may be the one who's actually going to be looking at these resumes. And so they may give you a tip on the best way to actually apply. They may also just ask you to send them your resume directly is that they can look at it or maybe later on down the line. This actually is a person who's reviewing resumes and so if they come across your resume, they may be able to put a face to the name and that may give you bonus points.