コーヒーの香りを嗅ぎなさい! このレッスンでは、生徒たちは現代の中毒、習慣、人々の好みについて議論します。レッスンには、コーヒーの飲み方に関する驚くべき事実と、朝に役立つかもしれないアドバイスについてのビデオが含まれています。生徒たちは、トピックに関連する語彙やイディオムを学び、練習します。レッスンには、大人とティーンエイジャー向けに開発された、魅力的な会話の質問やワークシートがたくさん含まれています。
- All right. First, let's start with coffee. Now so many people need it to feel bright-eyed and bushy-tailed in the morning, but Well and Good report said instead of pouring a hot cup down your gullet first thing, you should actually wait 90 minutes. Dr. Oz, why did they say that?
- Yeah.
- They interviewed a good friend of mine, the sleep doctor Michael Bruce, and he did a very good argument. He said when you get up in the morning, the alarm went off, you just got out of the shower. We have all this cortisol and adrenaline flowing through your body. Do you really need more coffee to get you where you need to be? So he argues, very convincingly, you should delay your coffee about an hour and a half in the morning.
-I don't know, Doc. I'm just saying, I wake up in a good mood. I'm like Belle from Beauty and the Beast. [Oh] But good good day poacher. But if I don't have coffee within the first 20 minutes, I turn into the beast.
- So you're addicted.
-How dare you!
-No, no!
-We just met.
-So Ross, here's the deal. If there's anything that you must do, and it makes you miserable if you don't, then you're addicted to it. So test yourself.
-Well wouldn't you say out of all the addictions coffee is the best one to have?
- Probably … probably the best one. But I personally don't think addictions are of any kind are worth having. So just nudge yourself a little bit. Do the experiment Ross. You never know, maybe if you can go an hour, you won't be so miserable.
-Nudge you, doc.