Job Satisfaction

Tom Panas - reviewer of the lesson plan / editor   Tom | March 19, 2024
ビジネス英語, スピーキングレッスン, HRのための英語
仕事, 戦略, 人事
B2 Upper-Intermediate, C1 Advanced
Mixed Grammar
Speaking, Vocabulary, Listening
30 分


Is your company ticking all the right boxes? In this lesson, students will discuss employee satisfaction and the various things that affect motivation levels at work. This lesson features a video about F. Herzberg’s motivation theory. Students will learn and practice vocabulary and idioms relating to the topic. The lesson includes plenty of lively discussions and practical worksheets suitable and appealing for both adults and youth.


  • Listening: Students will watch a video about F. Herzberg’s motivation theory. The speaker discusses motivation levels and job satisfaction at work. This listening activity will enhance students’ ability to comprehend detailed explanations and discussions in English, focusing on vocabulary and concepts related to the topic.

  • Speaking: The conversation activities will encourage students to express their views on career fulfillment, using newly learned vocabulary and idioms.

  • Vocabulary: Key terms and idioms related to topic, such as “shoot for the moon” and “kick in the pants,” will be introduced and practiced.

  • Homework: The tasks include answering questions based on photos, filling in the blanks with key terms and idioms, and completing the sentences that discuss the topic. These exercises aim to reinforce the lesson’s vocabulary and concepts, helping students better understand the intricacies of what motivates and satisfies employees in the workplace.


Are you satisfied with your company? How can things improve at work?
Watch this video that discusses F. Herzberg’s motivation theory to learn
about career fulfillment.



job satisfaction [noun phrase]: the level of contentment or fulfillment an individual experiences in their work or occupation
motivation level [noun phrase]: the degree of determination or enthusiasm a person has toward achieving a goal or completing a task
kick in the pants [idiom]: a metaphorical expression referring to something that motivates or encourages someone to take action, often through a sense of urgency or necessity
hygiene factor [noun phrase]: elements in a work environment that, if lacking, can cause dissatisfaction among employees
disgruntled [adjective]: feeling dissatisfied or discontented, typically due to grievances or a sense of unfair treatment
distinction [noun]: a noticeable difference or feature that sets someone or something apart from others; recognition for excellence or achievement
simultaneous [adjective]: occurring, existing, or done at the same time
time and again [phrase]: repeatedly; on numerous occasions
go to great lengths [idiom]: to make considerable or extraordinary efforts to accomplish something
strain every nerve [idiom]: to exert maximum effort or use all available resources to achieve a goal
put one’s heart and soul into something [idiom]: to invest one's utmost effort, passion, and dedication into something
shoot for the moon [idiom]: to set extremely ambitious goals or aim for something very difficult to achieve
go out of one’s way [idiom]: to make a special effort or inconvenience oneself in order to help or accommodate someone else
do things by halves [idiom]: to do something incompletely or with insufficient effort; to be half-hearted in one's actions
two-pronged [adjective]: involving two different ways of achieving the same aim