How many possessions do you own? Would you ever consider living out of a backpack? Watch this video about an extreme minimalist who is currently living and traveling with only 47 possessions. Over the past 10 years, he has transformed his life by downsizing all of his stuff and getting rid of his bank account, his car, and many other things in order to live the way he feels is serving his purpose.
on purpose [adverb]: not accidentally, intentionally
in alignment with [phrase]: in harmony with something
to your name [phrase]: if you have little to your name it means that you own little
question [verb]: to express your doubt in the truth or value of something
purposeful [adjective]: determined; indicating that you know what you want to achieve; not random
fluctuate [verb]: to change frequently
biodegradable [adjective]: that can break down or decay naturally and can be thrown away without causing any harm to the environment
to-go meal [noun]: take-out meal; a meal bought at a store or restaurant and taken and eaten somewhere else
multipurpose [adjective]: having many different functions; serving many different purposes
tea strainer [noun]: a tool that is used to collect the tea leaves when tea is poured through it into a cup; a kind of a small sieve
recycle [verb]: to make materials and products ready to be used again through a special industrial process