Personal Brand

Tom Panas - author of Vocabulary and Pronunciation/ reviewer of the lesson   Tom | February 23, 2024
Inglés de negocios, Inglés para RRHH
Éxito, Trabaja, Estrategias
Tipo de contenido
B2 Upper-Intermediate, C1 Advanced
Mixed Grammar
Me enfoco en
Hablar, Vocabulario, Escucha
ID de la clase
Lesson Time
30 minutos
Parte de un plan de lección de inglés sobre mejorar la imagen personal

Descripción de la clase

En esta lección, los estudiantes discutirán sobre el desarrollo profesional y la marca personal. Esta lección presenta un video sobre rasgos comunes de personas con altos logros. Los estudiantes aprenderán y practicarán vocabulario e idiomas relacionados con el tema. La lección incluye muchos ejercicios adecuados y atractivos tanto para adultos como para adolescentes.

Objetivo de la clase

  • Desarrollar habilidades de habla y escucha

  • Discutir sobre el tema del desarrollo profesional y la marca personal

  • Aprender y usar nuevo vocabulario en la práctica


¿Tienes una marca personal? ¿Cómo te desarrollas profesionalmente? Mira este video para aprender sobre las características de las personas que logran éxito profesional que les ayudan a destacarse.

Transcripción de vídeo

Pronunciación y vocabulario

put one’s best foot forward [idiom]: to make a good impression or to present oneself in the best
possible way
personal brand [noun]: the image and reputation an individual builds for themselves in their professional and personal life
high achiever [noun]: a person who consistently performs exceptionally well and attains notable success
expertise [noun]: specialized knowledge or skill in a particular area
courtesy [noun]: politeness, good manners, and respectful behavior toward others
dress for the job you want, not the one you have [idiom]: present yourself professionally and in a manner suitable for your desired future role
stamina [noun]: endurance, the ability to sustain prolonged physical or mental effort
culture [noun]: the shared values, beliefs, practices, and behaviors of a group or society
motivation [noun]: the internal or external factors that drive a person to take action or achieve a goal
high-flier [noun]: person who is exceptionally successful or ambitious
drill into [phrasal verb]: to delve deeply into a subject or to thoroughly understand something
self-cultivated [adjective]: developed or grown by oneself, without external influences
draw from [phrasal verb]: to derive or obtain something, often ideas or inspiration, from a particular source
rest on one's oars [idiom]: to stop making an effort; to become complacent or inactive
have the grit to [verb phrase]: to possess the courage, perseverance, and determination to face challenges
workaround [noun]: a solution or method used to overcome a problem, especially in a non-traditional or creative way
deep-seated [adjective]: firmly established or deeply ingrained, often referring to beliefs or emotions
catch the drift [idiom]: to understand the general meaning or idea without detailed explanation
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