"Into" vs. "In To". Qual é a diferença?

Comparação visual e definições dos termos de vocabulário "into" e "in to".


This comprehensive guide will help to understand the difference between "into" and "in to," provide examples of when to use each word, and give sample exercises and activities for teaching the difference.

American English ESL Lesson Plan

"Into" and "In To": The Definitions

The most significant difference between "into" and "in to" is that "into" is a preposition that expresses movement or direction, while "in to" is two separate words in which the adverb "in" is followed by the preposition "to" and can have many meanings depending on the verb that comes before “in,” but a common one is “in order to.” For example, if you are walking "into" a room, you are moving toward the room and going inside. But, if someone walks in to get a glass of water, they enter the room for a specific purpose or "in order to" do something.

"Into" and "In To": Examples in Sentences

Now that we have defined the differences between "into" and "in to," let's look at some examples of when to use each word.

Examples of "into"

  • "She walks into the room."
  • "The waiter pours the tea into the cup."
  • "I jumped into the water."

Examples of "in to"

  • "Please log in to our website."
  • "We stay in to save money."
  • "The tooth fairy came in to collect my son's tooth."


In To


Two separate words

Expresses movement or direction

Commonly means "in order to"

Example: The boy stepped into the tub.

Example: Please sign in to verify your identity.

"Into" and "In To": ESL Exercises for Teaching

Teaching ESL students the difference between "into" and "in to" can be challenging. Fortunately, some exercises and activities can help students better understand the difference between the two words. The first lesson is a "fill in the blank" activity. Provide your students with sentences with missing words "into" and "in to," and ask them to fill in the correct phrase. This will help them practice the concept in context. The second lesson is a "matching" activity. Give your students sentences with the words "into" and "in to," and ask them to match the sentences with the correct phrase. The third lesson is to have students practice writing sentences with both "into" and "in to" in them. This can be done by having students write sentences that describe a character going "into" or "in to" a particular place and doing something once they get there. This activity can help students become more familiar with the differences between the two words and when to use them.

Final Thoughts - Into" vs. "In To"

In conclusion, understanding the difference between "into" and "in to" is an essential skill for English learners. This comprehensive guide provided an overview of the difference between "into" and "in to," provided examples of when to use each word, and gave sample exercises and activities for teaching the difference. With practice and patience, English learners will soon be able to confidently use "into" and "in to" in everyday conversations.


Date: February 28th, 2023

Theresa - author of the article   Theresa

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