get someone on board [idiom]: in agreement with a particular course of action, especially so that you get involved with it
HR [noun]: human resources; the division of a business that is charged with finding, recruiting, screening, and training job applicant
link [noun]: a relationship between two things or situations, especially where one affects the other
ad [noun]: an advertisement
recruitment [noun]: the process of actively seeking out, finding, and hiring candidates for a specific position or job
disciplinary [adjective]: connected with the punishment of people who break rules
payroll [noun]: a list of a company's employees and the amount of money they are to be paid
performance [noun]: how a member of staff fulfills the duties of their role, completes required tasks, and behaves in the workplace
objective [noun]: something that you plan to do or achieve
team building [noun]: the action or process of causing a group of people to work together effectively as a team, especially by means of activities and events designed to increase motivation and promote cooperation
promotion [noun]: the action of promoting someone or something to a higher position or rank or the fact of being so promoted
appraisal [noun]: an act of assessing something or someone; evaluation
set up [verb]: organize or plan something; build structure or put it in place
handle [verb]: manage (a situation or problem)
internal [adjective]: of or situated on the inside; inner or within something