-So, tell me about yourself.
-I lack empathy.
-Hi, thanks for coming in.
-Thank you so much for seeing me.
-Have a seat.
-Thank you.
-So, tell me about yourself.
-What are you, my therapist? I have a deeply personal relationship with Netflix. And my favorite food group is tacos, obviously.
-This is not your Tinder profile, it's a job interview.
-What I want to do is help people both, like, in my personal life and professionally, which is why I have a real passion for customer service.
-What do you know about the company?
-Well, I've taken it upon myself to look at the LinkedIn profiles of everyone that's ever stepped foot inside this building. And I have to say, the pictures of your family from 2009 at Barbados, were unbelievable.
-You should know as much about the company as possible before you walk through the door. In the age of Google, there's no reason not to do your homework. Just don't be creepy about it.
-Yeah, I was really impressed with the new marketing campaign that you guys did that so seamlessly integrated with social media.
-What are your strengths?
-I can flawlessly apply eyeliner while I'm on the moving subway. I remember all of my friends' names. People tell me I'm a good listener. I really can hear.
-Come on. You can't come to a job interview not knowing what you're good at.
-I think I do a really good job of leading people when it's hard and someone needs to step up, but also understanding how to communicate with people and work in a collaborative environment.
-So, what would you say are some of your weaknesses?
-According to my ex, I have a lot of issues. But I'd say the issues are really with him. He’s a nightmare.
-This is not a trick question. A good tip would be to talk about something that used to be a flaw and then tell me how you overcame it.
-I used to struggle a lot with time management, and then I've gotten much better about knowing for myself how much I can take on and really give my all and when I need to step back and give it to someone else.
-All right, great. So, do you have any questions for me?
-You’re not going to interview anyone else, right? How many people are you interviewing? A lot of people? [Oh god], a lot of people. I really try hard. What is the salary starting? How much am I getting?
-People love talking about themselves. So, asking a few good questions will definitely get you remembered at the end of the day. But don't get all nitty gritty with the details about the job when you haven't been offered the position yet. After the interview, send a thank you email. And a note in the mail never hurts. And if you don't get the job, don't get down on yourself or your prospects. Keep looking.