You Are Being Watched

Theresa Dash - author of the lesson   Theresa I December 03, 2021
Inglês geral, Aulas de conversação
Tipo de conteúdo
B2 Upper-Intermediate
Future Perfect, Future Perfect Continuous
Foco em
Gramática, Falar, Escuta
ID da lição
Duração da lição
45 minutos
exercícios de inglês

Descrição da lição

Mergulhe no mundo da tecnologia! Nesta lição, os alunos são apresentados a um vídeo que revela como as forças de segurança e outras organizações utilizam o reconhecimento facial, destacando seus riscos potenciais. Enfatizando o "future perfect" e o "future perfect continuous tense", os alunos terão experiência prática, entrelaçada com vocabulário pertinente. Esta lição é enriquecida com atividades de discussão estimulantes e planilhas, feitas sob medida tanto para adultos quanto para adolescentes.

Objetivo da lição

  • Compreensão da tecnologia de reconhecimento facial e seus perigos associados

  • Domínio do "future perfect" e "future perfect continuous tense"

  • Desenvolvimento de habilidades de fala e escuta

  • Aquisição de novo vocabulário sobre o tópico


Have you ever had a weird feeling that someone was watching you? Watch this video to learn how facial recognition technology has developed, how it’s used by law enforcement and other organizations, and why it may be dangerous.

Transcrição de vídeo

Pronúncia e vocabulário

high-def [adjective]: short for: high-definition; showing very clear pictures on a screen or producing very clear sound
facial recognition software [noun]: software making it possible for a computer system to recognize a digital image of somebody's face
civil liberties [noun]: all your rights to do, think, and say whatever you want as long as this does not harm other people
essential [adjective]: necessary or extremely important
totalitarian [adjective]: relating to a government having almost complete control over the lives of its citizens and in which political opposition is not allowed
machine learning [noun]: the act of computers changing the way they perform tasks by analyzing and learning from new data, without any human activity needed to change the program
database [noun]: a large amount of information stored in a computer system in such a way that it can be easily accessed and modified
hotspot [noun]: a popular and exciting place frequented by many people
CCTV [noun]: closed-circuit television; a system sending television signals to a limited number of screens, that is used in public places to prevent crime
surveillance [noun]: the act of watching a person or a place
apparatus [noun]: a machine used for a particular purpose; machinery
ethic minority [noun]: a group of people sharing culture, tradition, language, history living in a country where the majority of people are from a different ethnic group
legitimate [adjective]: allowed; with accordance to the law
MIT Media Lab [noun]: a research laboratory at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
measurements [noun]: the length, height, width, etc., of something
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