Making Friends

Theresa Dash - author of the lesson   Theresa I February 04, 2021
General English, Speaking Lessons
B1 Intermediate
Adjectives, Adverbs
Grammar, Speaking, Vocabulary
Lesson ID
Lesson Time
45 minutes
Adult students in an English lesson discussing vocabulary and cultural nuances related to friendships, with definitions, exampl

Lesson Overview

Are you and your friend two peas in a pod or do you have to work hard to hit it off? In this lesson, students will explore friendship and how to form new bonds. The lesson features a video discussing the challenges of making new friends. Students will practice using 'too' and 'enough' with adjectives, along with related vocabulary. The lesson includes plenty of engaging discussion activities and worksheets developed for both adults and teenagers, ensuring a fun and interactive learning experience.

Lesson Objectives

  • Grammar: Students will master the use of "too" and "enough" with adjectives to accurately describe qualities in friendships. They will practice these structures through various exercises to gain proficiency in expressing degrees of characteristics.

  • Listening: Participants will listen to a video that discusses the nuances of forming new friendships. They will focus on identifying specific phrases and vocabulary that help express personal qualities and friendship criteria.

  • Speaking: Through guided discussions, students will share their views on friendship, using the grammar structures learned to describe what makes someone too friendly or not friendly enough, and other qualities relevant to forming bonds.

  • Vocabulary: Key terms related to making friends will be introduced, such as "acquaintance," "companion," "mutual interests," and phrases like "hit it off" or "drift apart." Students will practice these terms in context to enhance their conversational skills.

  • Cultural Awareness: The lesson will also touch upon how different cultures view friendship and social interactions, discussing how cultural backgrounds can influence friendship dynamics.

  • Homework: Students will engage in activities like completing sentences using "too" and "enough," matching descriptions to make logical statements about friendships, and rewriting sentences to alter their meaning using the learned grammatical structures. These tasks will help solidify their understanding of the lesson's vocabulary.


Striking up friendships can be tricky. Making friends as an adult is not as easy as it was when we were young. Learn how to elevate the small talk and bond over shared interests! Here are easy steps to forge new connections.

Video Transcript

Vocabulary and Pronunciation

hit it off [phrasal verb]: start to like somebody immediately
hang out [phrasal verb]: to spend time with someone
stare at [verb]: to look at someone or something continuously and steadily
get to know [phrase]: to learn or know more about someone or something
awkward [adjective]: causing embarrassment
gross [noun]: causing disgust; awful
necessary evil [idiom]: something unpleasant that has to be done in order to achieve a goal
play it by ear [idiom]: to act spontaneously
play it cool [idiom]: to act calm, without emotion
subconsciously [adverb]: without awareness
intimidating [adjective]: having a frightening or threatening effect
strike up a friendship [idiom]: to start a relationship with someone in an informal way
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