
Theresa Dash - author of the lesson   Theresa I March 04, 2023
Inglés general, Lecciones de conversación
Casa, Necesidades
Tipo de contenido
A2 Elementary, B1 Intermediate
Mixed Grammar
Me enfoco en
Hablar, Vocabulario, Escucha
ID de la clase
Lesson Time
30 minutos
Estudiantes participando en una lección sobre ordenar y los hábitos de acumulación, con un video sobre la limpieza de primavera y el orden en el hogar como parte de la lección de inglés americano.

Descripción de la clase

Less is more! In this lesson, students will discuss decluttering and their hoarding habits. This lesson features a video about spring cleaning and decluttering at home. Students will learn and practice vocabulary relating to the topic. The lesson includes plenty of engaging discussion activities and worksheets that have been developed for adult and teenage learners.

Objetivo de la clase

  • Desarrollar habilidades de hablar y escuchar

  • Discutir sobre ordenar en casa

  • Aprender y practicar nuevas palabras de vocabulario relacionadas con el tema


¿Eres un acaparador? ¿Disfrutas de la limpieza de primavera? Mira este video para aprender algunos consejos para despejar tu hogar.

Transcripción de video

Pronunciación y vocabulario

less is more [idiom]: used to express the view that a smaller quantity could be of higher quality
declutter [verb]: remove unnecessary items from (an untidy or overcrowded place)
hoarder [noun]: a person who collects, saves, and keeps many things
compulsive hoarding [noun]: where someone acquires an excessive number of items and stores them in a chaotic manner, usually resulting in unmanageable amounts of clutter
clutter [noun]: a collection of things lying about in an untidy state
junk mail [noun]: unwanted or unsolicited advertising or promotional material received through the post or sent as email
expired [adjective]: having passed its expiration date; no longer good for consumption
cosmetics [noun]: make-up or beauty products
junk drawer [noun]: a drawer designated for the storage of various miscellaneous, small, occasionally useful items of little value
modern [adjective]: relating to the present or recent times as opposed to the remote past; contemporary or current
old-fashioned [adjective]: in or according to styles or types no longer current; not modern
minimalist [noun]: a person who strives to only use things that they really need and serve a purpose
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